My All Natural Skin Care Routine

I didn’t used to think it mattered what I put on my skin because it wasn’t as if I was eating it. In my teenage years I used what ever was in fashion at the time, or ideally what the Dolly magazine had recommended. As I grew older and my skin break outs weren’t improving, I decided to invest a little more money into my skin care routine. I would buy products that claimed “acne free” and “acne clear” type benefits. I didn’t read the ingredients because I didn’t understand what was good for me and what wasn’t.

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Between the ages of 23 and 25 my acne really peaked. I was living over in London at this time and my breakouts on my face were getting so severe that people would stop me on the street and ask me “Are you okay?” and “Is that Eczema on your face?”

I was so uncomfortable in my own skin that I resorted to trying the popular United States brand Proactive. It burnt and bleached my skin. It was horrible and didn’t take me long to realise what ever it was made out of was not good for me so I threw it in the bin.

It wasn’t until age 30 that I learnt what we put on our skin matters. Our skin is the largest organ of our body and what we put on our skin we absorb. So if we wouldn’t eat the ingredients listed on a skin care product because they are harmful, why would we put them on our skin?

I started experimenting with natural skin care products. And I want to be clear that they were not just products that stated “natural” or “organic” on the label, because this doesn’t mean much. They were real life whole foods ingredients that I could buy off the shelf at my local supermarket and health food shop.

Over the years I have found what works best for my skin type and I would like to share with you what that is. It’s inexpensive and simple with absolutely no risks involved (unless you are allergic to the specific ingredients of course). We are all unique though and what works for me, may not be what works best for you. However, I encourage you to throw out your chemical ridden skin care products and start experimenting with toxic free alternatives.

Face wash

To wash my face, I use one simple ingredient. Manuka honey. It is antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and hydrating. You can buy it at most supermarkets and just about every health food shop. To be honest, I don’t use a specific type or brand. I have mixed it up over time. I have a jar in the shower. I rinse my face with water, dab a little honey on my fingers and wash my face. I then rinse it off with water.

Make up and or zinc remover

I don’t wear a heap of make up but I do wear a lot of zinc when I surf. Most make up removal liquids and wipes are toxic. They contain harmful ingredients and I don’t know about you but they often stung my skin and my pimples. For the last six years I have used a non toxic make up removal cloth from Norwex Makeup Removal Cloth Set | Norwex USA. You don’t need to use any product on the cloth. I rinse it with water and remove my make up and zinc with it and then rinse it again. I wash the cloth regularly with my other laundry using non toxic laundry detergent. Simple, inexpensive and efficient.


I use a mix of three pure organic oils to moisten my face. Hemp seed, jojoba and rosehip oils. The product is called Cellular Levels - Organic Hemp, Rosehip & Jojoba Natural Facial Oil – The Good Oil and it is from “The Good Oil” company, which is based in Byron Bay, Australia. I live over in Hawaii now and get the products shipped over. It cost me $22 AUD to ship three bottles of it over recently so it’s well worth it for me. Once again, this product is simple, inexpensive and all natural with no toxic and harmful chemical ingredients. One of my friends got me onto this oil and I absolutely love it and haven’t looked back.

I encourage you to start googling the ingredients listed on the back of your skin care products to get a clear understanding of what you are putting on your skin and absorbing into your body. I also encourage you to try out some more natural alternatives.

Now a talk about skin care wouldn’t be the same if I didn’t touch on what goes on INSIDE our bodies and minds and how much this impacts what is showing up OUTSIDE.

My gut health whilst growing up was always poor. I experienced a lot of loose bowels and always had reactions to different foods. I also didn’t feel good about myself because I had acne breakouts. At the peak of my acne I struggled to look at myself in the mirror without crying so I would put my make up on with my eyes closed.

Since age 30, I have made some huge changes in my life, which have had a positive flow on effect on my skin health. These have included changing to a plant-based whole foods diet, drinking clean water (no more tap water) and various lifestyle habits (engaging in activities I enjoy, daily movement, yoga and meditation), prioritising self-care and rest and mindset changes towards self-acceptance, self-compassion, self-belief and self-confidence. I have graduated towards a low toxic lifestyle with all household, skin care and make-up products.

My skin is looking the best it has looked since I was 12 years old because it is now consistently clear and acne free. There are many studies to support how connected gut health is to our skin health and I am living proof that improvements in my gut health due to diet, lifestyle and mindset changes have had significant carry over effects on my skin.

If you have skin issues including acne, then no doubt there is also something going on with your digestion and bowel movements. Reviewing what you are putting on your skin is one thing, but your gut health, what you are putting in your mouth, your lifestyle habits and your mindset also need to be addressed.

I help women with anxiety, gut issues and negative self image to reduce overwhelm, maintain a healthy gut and learn to love the body and skin they are in. I love what I do and would love to have a chat and find out more about what is going on for you and I can fill you in on how I may be able to assist you. Get in touch with me today to book a free chat.

Thanks guys and I hope you enjoyed this blog post. I would love to hear what natural skin care products work best for you.

Tiff xx