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Hey! I’m Tiff and I am the founder of The Wellbeing Movement. I like to refer to myself as a “Lifestyle investor”. Over the last 10 years specifically, I have focused on creating an optimal lifestyle for myself. The saying is true “Life is a canvas and we are the artists”. We get to create the life we wish to live.

I am a surfer, yogi, lover of plant based food and a low toxic lifestyle promoter. I have a passion for wellbeing and I love to inspire and share what I have learnt with others.

As at September, 2023, I am also a pregnant mumma with baby girl due in November. This pregnancy has motivated me even more to adopt a low toxic and healthy lifestyle for my husband Curtis, our baby and myself.

My passion and idea for The Wellbeing Movement stemmed from my own experience living with a chronic disease and clinical experiences working as an Occupational Therapist in Australia.

My intention is to inspire a world wide movement towards greater wellbeing through sharing my stories and learnings.

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My personal health journey

Hi my name is Tiff and I am the founder of The Wellbeing Movement. I have my own healing story to share and that is where my passion grew for The Wellbeing Movement.

I am a Wellbeing Warrior. As at 2023, I am 38-years young and glowing healthy inside and out. Right now, I feel the best I have ever felt physically, mentally and spiritually, however its been a bumpy road along the way.

I lived with a range of different health issues since my teenage years. Out of all of them, gut, skin and anxiety issues most impacted my life. This found me visiting loads of different health professionals and trying various vitamins, herbs and diets but nothing worked.

At age 28, I hit what felt to me like “rock bottom”. Chronic diarrhoea, bleeding from my bowels, constant pimples and panic attacks were becoming my norm.

Several investigations later I was diagnosed with ulcerative colitis, an inflammatory bowel disease, causing chronic inflammation and ulcers in the digestive tract. A disease, said to be incurable and managed by surgery and or medications.

I was prescribed heavy anti-inflammatories by my gastroenterologist, to take each day for the rest of my life and educated on the risk of colon cancer. I took the medication for a number of months, as at that point in my life, I felt I had no other choice.

Determination, persistence and intuition led me on a journey searching for other solutions to healing, until I found my answers. The universe had its way of leading me to meet all sorts of people who had healed themselves from various chronic conditions including heart disease, depression, cancer, obesity and chronic fatigue to name a few. My initial thoughts were, “If they can do it, then so can I”.

After one month of introducing various diet and lifestyle changes, including adopting a plant-based diet and changing all my personal care and cleaning products to “low tox”, I was able to wean myself off the medication. To this day, I continue to live prescription medication, acne and panic attack free.

There was not ONE specific change, I made to achieve these results. It was a number of changes I adopted and continue to adopt as I research and learn more.

My experience has led to my passion in assisting other women to adopt a low toxic, healthy and happy lifestyle that allows them to thrive and not just survive.