12-Week Wellbeing Program

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Do you Struggle with…

  • Feeling overwhelmed with anxiety

  • Gut issues including sore tummies, bloating and irregular bowels

  • Lack of self-confidence and feeling crappy in your body and skin

  • Low energy levels

  • Sleep issues and lying awake at night worrying about everything you could possibly worry about

  • Feeling stuck in a rut, lacking purpose, passion and direction?

DO you feel like…

  • Somewhere along the way you have lost yourself and your confidence

  • Life is moving quickly, so is everyone else and you can’t keep up

  • You can’t do everything you used to be able to do because you are always tired and stressed out

  • You’ve tried various things; you generally try them for a few weeks but then it doesn’t work so you give it the flick

  • You’re craving a change, a revamp, a detox, a reset but you don’t know where to begin and your overwhelmed by all the information out there on health and diets?

Do you want your life back?…

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  • Reduce feelings of anxiety so that you have the energy and resilience to do more of what you enjoy

  • Maintain a healthy gut, stop the bloating, the tummy aches and irregular bowels

  • Kick the mean girl out of your head, up your confidence and live in a body you love with radiating skin

  • Sleep a whole night and jump out of bed full of energy, ready to take on the day

  • Tap into your passion and purpose to get your buzz back and feel excited about life again

Here’s what Jacinta had to say after participating in my

12-Week Wellbeing Program:

This whole year I have been so well, I even eat out and about during work now, no stomach pains at all, no pimples at all this year. So, thank you so much
— Jacinta

And this is what Cam said after working with me one-on-one:

Tiff encouraged me to change my diet and lifestyle in various ways and she taught me about anti-inflammatory foods. It took two solid months of sticking to these new habits until I noticed a decrease in my pain. I then slowly decreased my prescription tablets. I am now age 32 and I don’t need to take any medication as I am pain free...I can’t recommend Tiff’s coaching enough
— Cam


12-Week Wellbeing Program

Life doesn’t have to be this way. You can rewrite your story and start a new chapter. Stop coasting along, feeling the same way. Prioritise you and your health today by joining my “Get Your Life Back” Program. I will coach you privately one on one and assist you in implementing healthy step-by-step lifestyle changes to achieve your own health and wellbeing goals in a way that is simple and sustainable.

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What’s included:

  • 12 Private Coaching Sessions with me Tiff (60-minutes via zoom)

  • Weekly goal setting - Each week we will set small realistic, achievable goals focused towards your overall goals. My intention is for you to feel excited and empowered with these goals rather than overwhelmed

  • Weekly Wellbeing Plans - A visual guide you can print out each week to assist with accountability

  • You will walk away from each session with Practical Techniques and Strategies to implement

  • I will be there for you in between sessions with Messaging Support

 Bonuses included:

  • My “Beating Chronic Disease – 12 Ways I Healed Naturally” Ebook

  • My “Plant-Based Recipes - Dinners” Ebook

  • Simple Nutritious Recipes to assist in maintaining a healthy mind and gut including breakfast, lunch, dinner and snacks recipes

  • Reflective Exercises to combat your mean girl and achieve a Wellbeing Warrior Mindset

  • Education Resources based on topics and themes we will be delving into

Here’s what a fellow Health Professional had to say after participating in my Wellbeing Program:

I am a 37-year old health professional who has a happy life, good job that I love, exercise regularly and have a supportive friendship group BUT I have had difficulty sleeping for some time and was never waking up feeling rested. I was also having problems with pimples and break outs...I have now completed 9-weeks with Tiff as my health coach and it has been an incredible journey, one I am extremely grateful for. I am sleeping better and definitely getting more rest, my skin has significantly improved and I have learnt so much more than I ever expected to.
— Anonymous

And another testimonial from a client experiencing mental health issues:

At the end of 2018 I was diagnosed with depression, anxiety and adjustment disorder as a result of work-related stress. It was the most terrible time and there are months that I am not able to account for - I was in a delirium of overwhelm, stress and insomnia....Tiff showed me some light at the end of the tunnel. She gave me real things to do, things that I had control over to change that helped me to feel better. Over a period of time, our sessions became amazing chats about improving mental health, physical health, diet and even sleep. She helped me to build resilience and acceptance. Her help truly has been central to my recovery.
— K

Depending on your unique needs and desires the following themes may be covered within the 12-week program:

  • Anxiety Relief

    Understanding Anxiety, Our Bodies Reaction to Anxiety, Simple Sustainable Strategies to Relieve Anxiety, Steps to Recovery

  • Wellbeing Warrior Mindset

    Mastering your Mean Girl, Body Awareness and Appreciation, Radical Self-Acceptance

  • Nutrition for a Healthy Gut and Mind

    Basics and Benefits of eating Plant-Based, Reading Food Labels, Understanding Processed Foods and Refined Sugars, Hydration, Organic vs Non-Organic, Anti-Inflammatory Foods, Gut Loving Foods, Food Shopping, Food Preparation, Simple Nutritious Recipes

  • Mindful Movement

    Work Out Plan, Movement for Energy, Grounding and Calming Routines, Exercises to assist with Digestion

  • Low Toxic Lifestyle

    Understanding Harmful Chemicals in Skin Care and Household Products, Non-Toxic Product Alternatives, DIY Tips, Beauty Foods, Essential Oils

  • Sleep Health

    Understanding Sleep and its Impact on Health, Morning and Evening routines, Natural Sleep Remedies

  • Living a Passionate and Purposeful Life

    Determine Your Values, Discover Your Passion and Learn to Live a Values-Based Purposeful Life


Scroll through the testimonials from my incredible health coaching clients who I have guided through my Wellbeing Programs:

Health coaching may be further focused in the following areas depending on your needs:

  • Chronic Disease Management

  • Mental Health Recovery

  • Weight Loss and Gain

  • Chronic Pain

The overall aim and outcome of the program is to teach and coach you through areas in your life that you need help with to not only achieve your goals, but to ensure you have all the necessary tools to continue your new found healthy lifestyle.

Team approach: Upon consent, Tiff liaises with your General Practitioner and any other health professionals you are working with including psychologist, psychiatrist, physiotherapist, podiatrist, dietician, nutritionist, naturopath and alternative medicine practitioner to ensure collaborative, client-centered care is achieved. During initial sessions, Tiff may identify that you would benefit from a referral to another professional for specialised support depending on your individual circumstances. Tiff will seek your consent for this and make recommendations based on your individual circumstances.

Are you ready to


Still not sure if this is for you and want to know more?


I will ring you for a chat to discuss your current health issues and desires, fill you in on the ins and outs of my program and then you can make a decision on whether the program sounds like a good fit for you.